Social Preferences

Preference assessment and care planning processes should highlight social preferences in order to prevent loneliness and encourage friendships and connection. This tip sheet explores common barriers to meeting preferences for social contact, reasons why social preferences shift, and ways to nurture social connections.

Social Preferences

As You Wish Program

Through creative teamwork and fundraising, the As You Wish Program creates treasured moments for residents by honoring special preferences that go beyond the everyday. Use this tip sheet as a guide to start an innovative program that is rewarding for the older adults, staff and volunteers in your community.

As You Wish Program

Holiday Gift Giving

Giving gifts is one of the top preferences for older adults receiving long-term services and support. This guide shares inexpensive, easy-to-implement ideas to honor the desire to give gifts during the holiday season. Spread the flow of good feeling that comes with simple gifts!

Holiday Gift Giving

Honoring Preferences During Quarantine

While restricting interactions among individuals can prevent the spread of illness, quarantines are difficult for residents, staff, and family. This tip sheet provides some ideas for ways to honor resident preferences for activities during quarantine.

Honoring Preferences During Quarantine