Tip Sheet

Ending the IPPI

There are a number of general principles to keep in mind as you end the IPPI:

Give the resident time to process that your time together is over. 

  • This is accomplished by telling the resident:
    • The session is over (“We have to finish for now.”)
    • Thank you for participating (“I hope you enjoyed our time together as much as I did, thank you for spending some time with me.”)
    • What is happening next (“Lunch is going to be served soon, so I’ll take you to the dining room now.”)
    • When you’ll be back (“We can talk more about this tomorrow.  I’ll see you then.”)

Try other IPPIs.

  • If the initially selected IPPI is not working, that is, the resident is unable to participate, or the resident doesn’t enjoy the subject matter or is bored, then choose another IPPI based on the resident’s interests.

Provide continuity of the sessions.

  • Depending on the number of sessions you have predetermined for completion of the intervention, choose an ending point that seems to allow for a natural break in the activity. 
  • Remind the resident that even though you have not finished the task or discussion, you will continue the next time you meet. 
  • In addition, if you learn that something is working or not working with the completion of the activity, then use that bit of information each time you meet.

About the Series

This is one in a series of Tip Sheets on using the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) to improve person-centered care. Topics include: How to Get Started, Interview Tips, Working with Proxies, Helping Staff Engage, Integrating Preferences into Care Plans and more. View our full series of Tip Sheets.

Have questions or comments? Please e-mail us at PELI-Can@miamioh.edu or call our helpline at 513-529-3605.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on a work at https://preferencebasedliving.com/. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/.